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Like many people, I have often taken to the internet to get advice from various blog posts. I genuinely found many useful and enjoyed the unique perspectives. However, I also realized that quality and objectivity was lacking in a lot of the conversations out there on tech, startups, and trucking.

I felt that the writing was often more about self-promotion and pontification rather that getting to the heart of important matters. Besides, those who know me can attest (especially my wife) that I am not particularly formal or eloquent. Even with the word ‘pontification’… thanks!

So, what the hell, instead of criticizing others for their posts I decided I should take that energy, leave my comfort zone and start occasionally writing my own posts. It could be a part of my mid-life crisis- just 3 years ago my business partners and I created a start-up called DrayNow, where now I am the CEO. As a lifelong operations and logistics person I previously left all tech to the experts and dialed the help desk for advice. Now in any given day I might be interviewing mobile app developers, reviewing the logic that runs our database, or deciding on the best pricing model.

All that said, I am going to start my blog journey, and start posting (hopefully) monthly. All subjects will surround the logistics industry, tech, startups, and general business. The writing will come passionately from my seat as the CEO of DrayNow. I can only hope people will occasionally find my blogs interesting. I can assure all readers I will always try to write from a perspective I learned from my father as a young kid, and that was to listen and learn to gain perspective before speaking. My wife and I are proudly products of working families who always valued hard work and its lessons. As I leave my comfort zone and start to learn how to blog, I hope to share my perspective but also hear yours.

After 27 years of working, I have lots share. Stay tuned for my first post, coming soon.

Mike Albert


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